
Is a speech disorder which is caused due to weakness, paralysis, in coordination of speech musculature. Any trauma/ disease of neurologic origin that affects the movement, coordination and timing of oral musculature results in Dysarthria. There are different types of Dysarthria- Spastic dysarthria, flaccid dysarthria, Hypokinetic dysarthria, mixed dysarthria, Hyperkinetic dysarthria, Ataxic dysarthria. The symptoms vary depending on the type of Dysarthria and includes disturbances of respiration to support speech, clear production of speech sounds, voice, resonance (nasal characteristic of speech), prosody (the patterns of stress/ rhythm of speech). A speech and language pathologist assess speech and determine the type of Dysarthria through perceptual judgement of speech.

Speech and language therapy is focused on symptoms of the underlying component of speech affected (respiration, voice, the production of sounds, resonance and prosody). The speech and language therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms. If Speech therapy is not effective, Speech language therapist may recommend other communication methods like Alternative augmentative communication.