Sleep Problems with Children

While many problems may affect a child’s sleep, some of the most common include having too much going on in their minds and waking up too early. Below are some tips for getting kids to fall asleep for the night. Have you ever noticed that your child is acting like they haven’t slept? It can be confusing when it happens because children often don’t complain about feeling tired or sleepy. However, if this is a common occurrence for your child, you should talk to them about how they feel and get them to express their feelings about it.

Some common children’s sleeping problems include:

Nightmares: Nightmares are fairly common and don’t indicate any serious problem. However, if your child wakes up terrified every night or wakes up in the middle of the night crying, you should contact a medical professional for advice on what might be causing the nightmares.

Night terrors: These are the most frightening type of nightmares. They generally begin with a sudden startled cry followed by an overreaction to the cause of the fear. For example, if your child was afraid of being hurt and you hugged them, they may wake up in a panic and be overcome by fear.

Sleepwalking: This is when your child gets out of bed and starts walking around. Children who are sleepwalking don’t remember any of their antics when they wake up.

Teething: If your baby has teeth coming in, it can hurt and make them uncomfortable. They will wake up a lot during the night when teething begins. To help the pain, you can give them a frozen bagel, teething rings made of plastic, or even a banana. You can give acetaminophen to babies who are older than six months.

Environmental Factors: Some children may have trouble sleeping due to the environment, such as noise or clutter, or because there are too many toys in the room. Try removing any items that can distract your child and keep the room free of mess. An overly stimulating environment can stimulate their mind just as much as it does yours and cause them a lot of anxiety.

Emotional Issues: A child who feels left out or unloved may be unable to sleep. Try to spend as much time as possible with your child. If they don’t know you love them, they may end up feeling it’s not worth the effort of sleeping and will likely find something else to occupy their time, even if it is just watching television.

Frustrations: If your child’s sleeping problems are due to frustrations with school, friends, or in their relationships, you need to work together to find new ways of dealing with the issues. There may be outside stressors such as bullying or other issues that cause your child to feel nervous about going to sleep.

If your child has trouble falling asleep, it may be useful to establish a regular bedtime routine and stick to it. Children are creatures of habit and find comfort in knowing when they can expect things to happen. So try to keep your child’s schedule as consistent as possible, even on weekends.

Children have very busy minds that will often keep them up at night. Keep reading until your child falls asleep. Reading is a great way for your child to relax and get into a comfortable position in bed. If your child is worried about things that happened during the day, talk to them about it. Ask them to tell you the story, and be sure to comfort them if they need it. It can also help with any anxiety they might be feeling since you are giving them a receptive ear for their concerns.

If your child is waking up too early in the morning, take steps to combat their waking up early by using empty bins or boxes and putting them outside of their room. It gives them a familiar object to grab and comfort them. Talking to teachers, friends, or family if your child feels unsafe is also important.

Sleeping with your child at night will help both of you get through the night much more easily, and it will help you get better sleep as well. As your child grows, so do their needs in the morning. So when they wake up, be sure to reassure them that it’s time to wake up and do something fun.


It’s good to remember that there are some normal sleep problems and that they can be addressed. If your child is experiencing any of these problems, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to help them get a better night’s sleep. It’s important to address the issues as soon as possible, especially if your child is experiencing insomnia symptoms or just wants to fall asleep a little more quickly. These are very common problems and can be resolved with some good advice from parents and friends. Talk to your pediatrician if you have any questions, and remember that sleep is very important for children, so don’t be in a rush to get over it just because it’s summer.
